Matrix crosslinking forces tumor progression by enhancing integrin signaling. Cell. 2009 Nov 25;139(5):891-906.
Tumors are characterized by extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and stiffening. The importance of ECM remodeling to cancer is appreciated; the relevance of stiffening is less clear. We found that breast tumorigenesis is accompanied by collagen crosslinking, ECM stiffening, and increased focal adhesions. Induction of collagen crosslinking stiffened the ECM, promoted focal adhesions, enhanced PI3 kinase (PI3K) activity, and induced the invasion of an oncogene-initiated epithelium. Inhibition of integrin signaling repressed the invasion of a premalignant epithelium into a stiffened, crosslinked ECM and forced integrin clustering promoted focal adhesions, enhanced PI3K signaling, and induced the invasion of a premalignant epithelium. Consistently, reduction of lysyl oxidase-mediated collagen crosslinking prevented MMTV-Neu-induced fibrosis, decreased focal adhesions and PI3K activity, impeded malignancy, and lowered tumor incidence. These data show how collagen crosslinking can modulate tissue fibrosis and stiffness to force focal adhesions, growth factor signaling and breast malignancy.
Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification.Cell. 2006 Aug 25;126(4):677-89.
Microenvironments appear important in stem cell lineage specification but can be difficult toadequay characterize or control with soft tissues. Naive mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)are shown here to specify lineage and commit tophenotypes with extreme sensitivity to tissuelevel elasticity. Soft matrices that mimic brainare neurogenic, stiffer matrices that mimic muscle are myogenic, and comparatively rigidmatrices that mimic collagenous bone proveosteogenic. During the initial week in culture,reprogramming of these lineages is possiblewith addition of soluble induction factors, butafter several weeks in culture, the cells committo the lineage specified by matrix elasticity,consistent with the elasticity-insensitive commitment of differentiated cell types. Inhibitionof nonmuscle myosin II blocks all elasticitydirected lineage specification–without stronglyperturbing many other aspects of cell functionand shape. The results have significant implications for understanding physical effects of thein vivo microenvironment and also for therapeutic uses of stem cells.
Role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction. Nature. 2011 Jun 8;474(7350):179-83.
Cells perceive their microenvironment not only through soluble signals but also through physical and mechanical cues,such as extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness or confined adhesiveness. By mechanotransduction systems, cells translatethese stimuli into biochemical signals controlling multiple aspects of cell behaviour, including growth, differentiationand cancer malignant progression, but how rigidity mechanosensing is ultimay linked to activity of nucleartranscription factors remains poorly understood. Here we report the identification of the Yorkie-homologues YAP(Yes-associated protein) and TAZ (transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif, also known as WWTR1) asnuclear relays of mechanical signals exerted by ECM rigidity and cell shape. This regulation requires Rho GTPaseactivity and tension of the actomyosin cytoskeleton, but is independent of the Hippo/LATS cascade. Crucially, YAP/TAZ are functionally required for differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by ECM stiffness and for survival ofendothelial cells regulated by cell geometry; conversely, expression of activated YAP overrules physical constraints indictating cell behaviour. These findings identify YAP/TAZ as sensors and mediators of mechanical cues instructed by thecellular microenvironment.
Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stem cell self-renewal in culture.Science. 2010 Aug 27;329(5995):1078-81.
Stem cells that naturally reside in adult tissues, such as muscle stem cells (MuSCs), exhibit robustregenerative capacity in vivo that is rapidly lost in culture. Using a bioengineeredsubstrate to recapitulatekey biophysical and biochemical niche features in conjunction with a highly automated single-celltracking algorithm, we show that substrate elasticity is a potent regulator of MuSC fate in culture. UnlikeMuSCs on rigid plastic dishes (~106kilopascals), MuSCs cultured on soft hydrogel substrates that mimicthe elasticity of muscle (12 kilopascals) self-renew in vitro and contribute extensively to muscleregeneration when subsequently transplanted into miceandassayedhistologically and quantitatively bynoninvasive bioluminescence imaging. Our studies provide novel evidence that by recapitulatingphysiological tissue rigidity, propagation of adult muscle stem cells is possible, enabling future cell-basedtherapies for muscle-wasting diseases.
Tissue | Reference |
Embryonic (胚胎) | 1. Culturing of mouse and human cells on soft substrates promote the expression of stem cell markers.24360205 2. Differential regulation of morphology and stemness of mouse embryonic stem cells by substrate stiffness and topography.24529627 3. Soft substrates promote homogeneous self-renewal of embryonic stem cells via downregulating cell-matrix tractions.21179449 4. Effect of substrate stiffness on early mouse embryo development.22860009 5. Dual inhibition of Src and GSK3 maintains mouse embryonic stem cells, whose differentiation is mechanically regulated by Src signaling.22553165 6. Soft substrates promote homogeneous self-renewal of embryonic stem cells via downregulating cell-matrix tractions.21179449 7. Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification.16923388 |
Hepatocytes (肝細胞) | 1. Relative rigidity of cell-substrate effects on hepatic and hepatocellular carcinoma cell migration. 23565595 2. Hepatic slate cells require a stiff environment for myofibroblastic differentiation. 21527725 3. Increased stiffness of the rat liver precedes matrix deposition: implications for fibrosis. 17932231 4. Functional modulation of ES-derived hepatocyte lineage cells via substrate compliance alteration. 18266108 5. Engineering hepatocellular morphogenesis and function via ligand-presenting hydrogels with graded mechanical compliance. 15744840 |
Neural(神經(jīng)) | 1. Migration of glial cells differentiated from neurosphere-forming neural stem/progenitor cells depends on the stiffness of the chemically cross-linked collagen gel substrate. 24041935 2. Photocured biodegradable polymer substrates of varying stiffness and microgroove dimensions for promoting nerve cell guidance and differentiation. 22857011 3. Effects of substrate stiffness and cell density on primary hippocampal cultures. 20547372 4. The effects of substrate elastic modulus on neural precursor cell behavior. 23429962 5. The influence of substrate stiffness on the behavior and functions of Schwann cells in culture. 22738780 |
Heart(心臟) | 1. Substrate stiffness modulates gene expression and phenotype in neonatal cardiomyocytes in vitro. 22519549 2. The constant beat: cardiomyocytes adapt their forces by equal contraction upon environmental stiffening. 23519595 3. Cardiomyocytes from late embryos and neonates do optimal work and striate best on substrates with tissue-levelelasticity: metrics and mathematics. 22752667 |
Bone, cartilage skeletal muscle(骨骼、軟骨、骨骼?。?/span> | 1. Osteocyte differentiation is regulated by extracellular matrix stiffness and intercellular separation. 23994943 2. Effect of substrate stiffness on the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stem cells and bone-derived cells. 23447501 3. Response of sheep chondrocytes to changes in substrate stiffness from 2 to 20 Pa: effect of cell passaging. 23323769 4. Substrate stiffness and oxygen as regulators of stem cell differentiation during skeletal tissue regeneration: a mechanobiological model. 22911707
General and mechanistic(常規(guī)及機械組織細胞) | 1. Determination of local and global elastic moduli of valve interstitial cells cultured on soft substrates. 23746597 2. Computational model predicts cell orientation in response to a range of mechanical stimuli. 23708875 3. Investigating the role of substrate stiffness in the persistence of valvular interstitial cell activation. 22581728 4. Mechanochemical model of cell migration on substrates of varying stiffness. 22304116 5. Influence of substrate stiffness on circulating progenitor cell fate. 22169135
Eye(眼組織) | 1. Substrate elasticity as biomechanical modulator of tissue homeostatic parameters in corneal keratinocytes. 23664838 |
Endotheial and blood(上皮和血液) | 1. Effect of substrate stiffness and PDGF on the behavior of vascular smooth muscle cells: implications for atherosclerosis. 20648629 2. Endothelial barrier disruption and recovery is controlled by substrate stiffness. 23296034 3. Influence of membrane cholesterol and substrate elasticity on endothelial cell spreading behavior. 23239612 4. OxLDL and substrate stiffness promote neutrophil transmigration by enhanced endothelial cell contractility and ICAM-1. 22560286 5. Endothelial cell responses to micropillar substrates of varying dimensions and stiffness. 22389314
Mesenchymal(間充質(zhì)細胞) | 1. The effect of matrix stiffness on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in response to TGF-β. 21397942 2. Differential regulation of stiffness, topography, and dimension of substrates in rat mesenchymal stem cells. 23863454 3. Physical and chemical microenvironmental cues orthogonally control the degree and duration of fibrosis-associated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions. 23018598 4. Mesenchymal stem cell durotaxis depends on substrate stiffness gradient strength. 23390141 |
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